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Термины по тематике Политика (10761 статья)
recaudación de cotizaciones collection of contributions
recaudación de fondos fund raising
recepción front office
recepcionista receptionist
rechazo global del proyecto de presupuesto total rejection of the draft budget
reciclaje de desperdicios waste recycling
reclamación grievance
recolector de basura scavenger
recolector de basura scavenger (Person who collects usable objects or materials from discarded wastes)
recolocación outplacement
recolocación outplacement (Counselling and job placement services for workers, particularly managers, displaced by redundancy or workforce reductions)
recomendación recommendation
recomendación recommendation (Formal recommendations from a meeting or an expert)
Recomendación CE EC Recommendation
Recomendación CE EC Recommendation (An EC Recommendation is not legally binding on EC member States but merely suggests a line of action)
recomendación de la Comisión Commission recommendation
recomendación de la Comisión Commission recommendation (EC Recommendation)
Recomendación de la OIT ILO Recommendation
Recomendación de la OIT ILO Recommendation (Official ILO Recommendations formulated for guidance purposes and not requiring ratification by ILO member States. This descriptor needs to be accompanied by TEXT, COMMENT or APPLICATION)
recomendación del Consejo Council recommendation